We bet you have tried a few things in your life. So have we! and every new beginning requires courage, effort, faith, support but first of all willingness. We assume you made it to this page because of your courage and willingness to start yoga and meditation or perhaps it is a calling to dive deeper into it. Faith will come, once this is right for you and we can work on the effort and support together. Yoga, like any kind of connection takes time, you dedicate a little every day and a lot comes back with patience and trust.
Regarding the support now… We are here for you!!! We had that “calling”! The need to live in line with our hearts and purpose, following what matters to us. We have left our “original” (or “proper” as some like to call them) jobs to go 100% on this passion on yoga and meditation, we have faced a few fears and we are in the middle of moving countries, we have committed to creating time, space and all the circumstances in order to offer this little support you may need at this stage of starting or wishing to go further with your practice.
INEA-YOGA is our way of also helping you give yoga a chance. We have put together free content, such as yoga and meditation classes, we are adding masterclasses at a low cost and we are inviting you to find one of our teacher’s events and join them in real life. With this platform we want to give you the opportunity to try a few different things, to see what suits you best and to encourage you to join real events with real humans at magical places.
The INEA-YOGA team consists of 2 main characters. Athina and Cedric and the fantastic support of our (also passionate about yoga) developer Otto. Cedric has identified most of his adult life as a film producer and has been a martial arts geek since he can remember, from Ju-Jutsu, to Capoeira and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Athina has never had more than 30 days without music since the age of 6, having spent most of her adult years teaching piano and working with children on the autistic spectrum or with pervasive disorders, utilising her second profession (psychology).
Now all three of us together with all the skills we have learnt on our paths so far connect and welcome you to our offerings with excitement and understanding. We look forward to have you join us in real life…
Athina & Cedric

Athina Tamaresi
Head Teacher INEA • YOGA
Yoga to me has been a wonderful journey, helping me divide my sense of self from my often busy mind and deeply, truly accept and connect with me as a whole. I teach to support and encourage people to connect with themselves.